Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars
Founded in 1872, luxury accessories brand S.T.Dupont epitomises French elegance.
Every S.T.Dupont item retains the quality craftsmanship upon which the brand was built, making it the ideal choice for the sophisticated traveller and lover of fine things.
Since more than 75 years ST Dupont has been a pioneer in reinventing "Th Art of Fire". After the invention of the worlds first complication lighter, today, the Maison has outpaced its expertise by creating the world's first ever lighter that ignites two kinds of flames - Soft double flame and Torch flame - "Le Grand S.T. Dupont".
Le Grand ST Dupont, a bit larger than Line 2 lighter with a same iconic cling, can fit perfectly in your pocket. The Soft double flame gently heats your cigar while the Torch flame helps to light it in a perfect circle. This can be achieved in a simple and easy gesture by pushing the roller up.
It is 100% hand crafted in France with precious materials and specific know-how of natural lacquering and guilloche techniques.
Gas refill associated: Red
Product Details:
XIKAR 是零售烟草店的领先配件品牌之一。XIKAR 凭借其创新和炫酷的产品建立了良好的声誉。
如今,XIKAR 打火机和配件的设计大胆、简洁、阳刚,随着时间的推移不断发展。XIKAR 种类繁多的雪茄和烟斗打火机与卓越的切割器和配件系列相得益彰,您可以保证 XIKAR 将满足人们对该品牌的高度期望……终身!
Volta 采用 XIKAR 的专利技术,打造出一款高性能四火焰桌面打火机。
As you light up your cigar, this lighter transforms from orange to yellow. With the new SIGLO table torch, you'll have a reliable companion at home, the office, or your secret hideout. At the bottom, there is a large wheel-shaped flame adjuster for effortless handling.
Dimensions (mm): 90 x 60 x 23
每个火柴盒内有 12 根雪茄火柴。
有 3 个和 5 个一包可供选择。