Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars
About this Cigar: An intense, small, twenty minute Panetela that could be assimilated, with a slightly creamier finish, to the Lanceros or the Coronas Especiales. For a 26 ring gauge cigar, the variation of flavors it flaunts is quite remarkable. Beans (vanilla, cocoa, coffee) and toasted nuts tickle the taste buds for a notion of complexity suited for larger format cigars. The draw can be a little tight in the beginning but a little patience will be rewarded.
Popular Vitola: Mini-Panetela
Factory Vitola: Laguito No.3
Ring Gauge: 26
Cigar Length: 115 mm / 4 1/2''
Body: Medium - Full
About this Cigar: Cohiba Behike BHK 52 is a premium cigar crafted with the finest Cuban tobacco leaves, including the rare Medio Tiempo leaves. An intricate blending of Volado, Seco and Ligero leaves give the Behike its unparalleled smoothness and flavor. Produced in limited quantities, this cigar has become the quintessential Cuban cigar.
Popular Vitola: BHK 52
Factory Vitola: Laguito No.4
Ring Gauge: 52
Cigar Length: 119 mm / 4 5/8''
Body: Full Body
About this Cigar: Cohiba's Behike BHK 54 is a premium cigar crafted with the finest traditional tobacco leaves, including rare Medio Tiempo leaves. Meticulous rolling creates a smooth flavor experience, and its scarcity ensures an exclusive cigar experience. Enjoy Cohiba's flagship cigar.
Popular Vitola: BHK 54
Factory Vitola: Laguito No.5
Ring Gauge: 54
Cigar Length: 144 mm / 5 5/8''
Body: Full Body
About this cigarillos: The Cohiba Club are slightly larger than the miniatures, to give roughly double the smoking time. In the pack there are ten excellent, sweet, mini cigars expertly made from 100% fine Cubano leaf. Easy draw, lovely aroma and taste.
No cigar cutter is required for the Cohiba Clubs.
Length: 95mm
Ring Gauge: 22
Flavour: Med/Full
About this Cigar: An elegant, smooth and opulent cigar that will definitely make a mark on the market. If you're a larger ring gauge fan, this is one cigar not to be missed. Warm notes of toasted sweet vanilla and dark cocoa beans are immediately apparent on the palate that enjoys an opulent and well-rounded smoke.
Popular Vitola: Genios
Factory Vitola: Genios
Ring Gauge: 52
Cigar Length: 140 mm / 5 1/2''
Body: Medium - Full