Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars
About this Cigar cutter: Since 1872 St Dupont have created ultra premium and beautiful cigar accessories. They create and design their cutters to offer absolute luxury and functionality, their highly engineered cutters are spring loaded with razor sharp blades to ensure a perfect cut each time.
All the items in this collection bear the S.T. signature. Dupont signature and a ‘55’ graphic, the anniversary celebrated this year by Trinidad cigars.
Stand cigar cutter decorated with the Trinidad monogram in gloss lacquer and gold finish.
Dimensions: Length 48,4mm X Width 64,5mm X Thickness 7,7mm
Materials: Brass
Weight: 52g
Red lighter flint. Sold in packs of 8. For the following lighters: Ligne Initial, Le Grand S.T. Dupont,
Black lighter flint, boxed singly.
For the following lighters: Ligne 2, Gatsby.
About this gas: Black gas refill. For the following lighters:
Liberté, Ligne 2 Torch, MiniJet, MaxiJet, Slim 7, The Wand, Keychain Lighter and Miniature Lighter with Chain
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About this cigar: This refill is for the following lighters:
Ligne 1 Small
Ligne 2
Long Table Lighter
Weight: 0.017kg
This item is hazardous please enquire about posting via info@havanacigarexchange.com
This item is not available for next day delivery.