Havana Cigar Exchange - Worldwide Shipping of Cuban Cigars
About this cigar case: Designed to house 5 cigars, this cigar case has been created by S.T. Dupont Paris. This S.T. Dupont Paris cigar case has carefully been crafted out of cloudy maroon smooth leather. Created as part of the Atelier collection, this 5 cigar case features a small pouch on the front for a small, flat cigar cutter.
Range: Atelier
Material: Smooth cowhide leather / Cloudy brown
Dimensions: 19.5 x 14.5 x 2.5 cm
Red lighter flint. Sold in packs of 8. For the following lighters: Ligne Initial, Le Grand S.T. Dupont,
Black lighter flint, boxed singly.
For the following lighters: Ligne 2, Gatsby.
About this gas: Black gas refill. For the following lighters:
Liberté, Ligne 2 Torch, MiniJet, MaxiJet, Slim 7, The Wand, Keychain Lighter and Miniature Lighter with Chain
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About this cigar: This refill is for the following lighters:
Ligne 1 Small
Ligne 2
Long Table Lighter
Weight: 0.017kg
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This item is not available for next day delivery.